Being a social scientist I aim to connect the analysis of social structures and relations with options to act politically. Actually I am mostly concerned with the critique of neoliberal capitalism and strategies of societal transformation leading to a society based on solidarity.

The results of my research in sociology of work I have laid down in 2015 in the book Care Revolution. Schritte in eine solidarische Gesellschaft. An introduction you may find in this video. In compact and concise form Gert Scobel has presented this book. You may find the video in the 3Sat media centre.

In my book Solidarische Care-Ökonomie. Revolutionäre Realpolitik für Care und Klima, written in 2021 with Matthias Neumann contributing I again choose care work as point of reference for the necessary societal change. In doing this I also try to demonstrate the transformational strategy of Care Revolution to be an important contribution against the climate crisis. A comprehensive review by Sarah Schilliger is published in the journal Widerspruch. Susanne Schlatterer has reviewd the book for the journal Ökologisches Wirtschaften, this review has been adopted by the BLOG Postwachstum. Further reviews you find in the documentation of media responses at the publisher’s website.

Politically, I am involved since 2014 in the Network Care Revolution, specially in the local group Care Revolution Freiburg.